Wednesday, September 2, 2009

You Can't Truly Not Be Who You Originally Were

Title's confusing, but whatevz. After taking a glance at Latus' post over on his blog, I've decided not to be one of those people that ditch his/her friends for purpler(lol) fields.

Maybe I'll return to Eff Eff Ess again as a hunter, but I've been thinking I could do better. I could bring them a new tank! I know how to tank better than I can dps, I'd most definitely be up to making a new toon just for that but... here's my problem.

I don't have BoAs, I don't have anything that'd ease my journey from 1 to 80 like I did with my Alliance toons. I'd have to start completely from scratch without any real help beside small bits of financial help(my hunter's poor). Sure, I can do it without all of this, sure it'll be hard, sure... but it'll be worth it and I might have fun doing it.

So, here's a question: Do I continue with my Hunter, completely disregard my Alliance toons again and bring back my joy in this game with this guild again? Or do I scrap the hunter, build a new toon entirely and work from there just for the guild?

Decisions, decisions.

EDIT: I forgot I had a 70 Warrior and Priest. Maybe this'll be easier to answer now. :D


  1. Ha, yeah, I was going to say "don't you have a few 70s?"

  2. you should do whatever's fun, while letting us complain if it doesnt directly benefit us.
